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Please be sure to sit out there, all you guests, and not log in. Oh, do lurk. We enjoy the lack of activity. It's so wonderful for the forum. Thank you soooo much for your dedication. Welcome to Bleach Online. We currently have lots of Elite spots open for the Quincy, Humans, Hollow, Zanpakutou Spirits. Plus Lieutenant, Fracciōn, and Vice-Elite spots open for all races. Don't be shy, and come on down and register.

The site is currently going through a Revamp. So certain things will slow down, such as application responses. However, once we have our revamp over, the site will return to its familiar luster. Just hold with us for a moment as we implement new rules and features to the site. This Revamp is expected to begin on 5/1/10 and shall conclude on 5/20/10. It will take a full ten days at least for the first half to conclude on account of size of staff and school. Join, Join, Join. Better, active and everything you want!
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 hiyayaka sunappu (Cold Snap)

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PostSubject: hiyayaka sunappu (Cold Snap)   hiyayaka sunappu (Cold Snap) I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 8:12 am

Name: hiyayaka sunappu (Cold Snap)

Looks: Alet's body completely turns to ice, showing no color but the color of the ice.

Ability: The control over ice, freezing things at his will

Envolved Ability: Ice Corruption: A more improved version of Icy Field, the field completely turns to ice, creating small mountains, snow starts falling and the cold is devastating. While this is up, Alet can travel with the snow and through the ice making is speed increase incredibly and the number of spikes he can produce go up to twenty five at a time.


1. Icy Field: The field he is in turns completely to ice and this allows him to travel throughout the ice like sinking into the floor the rising from it in a different place. This also also me to make spikes come from The ice on the field, I am only allowed to create ten spiked at a time.
2. Ice Weaponry: Alet can create any type of weapon, from a sword to a gun, from ice, these weapons have swift movement because of the ice.
3. Snow Storm: Alet creates a snow storm, making it harder to move and harder to see, this doesn't affect Alet but can only be used once per battle and last six posts.

Last edited by Alet Rondel on Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:20 am; edited 2 times in total
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Mr. Polk

Mr. Polk

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PostSubject: Re: hiyayaka sunappu (Cold Snap)   hiyayaka sunappu (Cold Snap) I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 8:59 am

Looks: Is what happen to your character. Like how chad gets big arms...How does your character change in appearance.

Evolved Ability is like Bankai for Superhumans...So explain what happens to his body/appearance as well as any extra abilities he picks up from Evolving.
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PostSubject: Re: hiyayaka sunappu (Cold Snap)   hiyayaka sunappu (Cold Snap) I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 9:03 am

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Mr. Polk

Mr. Polk

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PostSubject: Re: hiyayaka sunappu (Cold Snap)   hiyayaka sunappu (Cold Snap) I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 9:26 am

hiyayaka sunappu (Cold Snap) 25151214
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PostSubject: Re: hiyayaka sunappu (Cold Snap)   hiyayaka sunappu (Cold Snap) I_icon_minitime

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